Sunday, August 18, 2013

Here we go again

Image from
Host David Gregory asked Kelly if more Americans would die if the judge’s ruling — which Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s (I) administration has already appealed — were to stand and the program be dismantled. Kelly replied, “No question about it, violent crime will go up,” before launching into a more extensive defense of stop and frisk premised on higher crime rates among minorities... (ThinkProgress)
Mr. Bloomberg has often credited stop-and-frisk with bringing the murder rate to an all-time low. But if crime and street stops were strongly related, the murder rate would have gone up last year, when stops went down by about 20 percent (Times)
Instead of which:
In 2012, murders fell to an all time low, at 414 for the year. 2013 is on track to have fewer. (Wikipedia) 
You're selling yourself short, Ray.

I'm really starting to wonder if the Commish might not have been inhaling too much lead in those bad old days, because he seems to have developed a learning disability that he didn't have back then.