Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If you call it winning

As you've heard, Romney won the Iowa caucus with a little under 25% of the vote, eight more votes than his frothy opponent, but that's not all; if you measure the votes he got against all the votes that were theoretically possible, it was 30,015 out of 614,913 currently registered Republican voters in Iowa or 4.88% of the total. That's worse than Board of Education elections used to be in New York City before the mayor took over and made it an imperial personal fief, like Congo was for King Leopold of the Belgians.

And when we speak of Belgians are we thinking of beer? Are we thinking of wafels & dinges on top? Or are we thinking of Dr. Newton Leroy Gingrich, erstwhile million-dollar historian and Belgian colonialist terrorist, now apparently gone to the bumwhush, according to Al Dahler:
According to John Mactaggart's 1824 Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia, "When anything has made a noise for some time, and it is then quashed, it is said to have 'gone to the bumwhush.'"
I'm feeling almost grateful to him for helping to bring me into contact with such a luscious new word. Bumwhush! Bumwhush! Bumwhush!
In happier times