In a glorious day for irredentist Belgian imperialism, holy terror Dr. Newt Gingrich was acclaimed victor in the South Carolina Republican primary at about 7:01 this evening, with zero percent of the vote counted. According to the Times exit poll, voters felt the Newtster was the most conservative, had the most relevant experience, and had the best chance of beating Obama. I guess those Nullificationists* must have seen him in the debates wiping up the floor with—umm—it wasn't one of the candidates—remember that nice black guy with the mustache that used to do horse race color commentary on NPR? I mean, it wasn't the mustache that did the commentary, that's Friedman, but the guy—Juan Williams, that's it. The one to whom "work is a very strange concept", according to a later Newt comment. "Many pundits," according to ThinkProgress,
have seen racial undertones in Gingrich’s belittling of Williams during the debate. “That’s the way I like to spend my Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: watching Newt Gingrich sneer at Juan Williams, a black man, for having the temerity to ask him” a tough question, New York Times columnist Charles Blow wrote.
But those South Carolina Republicans were just salivating at the thought of the president (who is also black, though he does not wear a mustache) getting pummeled in the same way by that savage Newt oratory.
Me too, in a way. On to Florida!
*South Carolinians used to be concerned with the Tariff of Abominations; now they worry more about the Abominations of Leviticus. Hope they don't find out too soon about their man's predilection for what the Village Voice once referred to as "lip service" and was long regarded in many states as felonious sodomy, even though Leviticus itself seems to be "down" with it, so to speak.