Friday, January 27, 2012

How many Americans...? (addendum)

I didn't really finish the previous, because of the risk of belaboring the obvious, but then the belaborer is worthy of his hire, so:

Q: Why did TransCanada and the US Chamber of Congress and so forth lie to the US Congress, and the American people, and their shareholders about how many jobs the Keystone XL pipeline project would create?
A: Because the project is a stinker which actually advantages no one except those who can extract some profit out of it; but if it created jobs, then it would have created jobs, and practically everybody likes that.

Q: So how come they told the truth to the Canadians?
A: Because Canada is ruled by Tories, also known as Conservatives, the only exception to the "everybody likes jobs" rule. They do not give a frack, as we say, about jobs. Give them a chance to extract profits and they're fine--and the opportunity to destroy Alberta is just icing on the cake.
Beach wedding sand cake; stolen from Flickr.