Sunday, January 8, 2012

A first: Insider poop!

Steve Benen is among those wondering what's ailing the non-Romney Republican candidates in their failure to gang up on the front-runner:
I’m at a loss in trying to explain this. It’s not as if there’s nothing to criticize Romney over. The guy used to support abortion rights, gay rights, gun control, “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants, and combating climate change. He distanced himself from Reagan, attended Planned Parenthood fundraisers, and helped create the blueprint for the Affordable Care Act. He supported taxpayer-funded abortions and taxpayer-financed medical care for undocumented immigrants.
Do these non-Romney candidates not realize they’re losing? Are they reluctant to go after him because they want to be his running mate?
I heard from somebody who heard from somebody who's been in New Hampshire (also, somebody's mother-in-law is in the chain) (also, I think I made some of it up): they know the Republicans are going to lose in November and they're all trying to detach themselves--they'd rather see themselves losing right now and getting it over with. Willard is on his own here, because nobody likes him.
By Alfred Pearse (1856-1933)
Update 1/9/2012
All, that is, except naturally for crypto-Belgian imperialist terrorist Dr. Newton Leroy Gingrich, who never was any good at holding it back, and who has a backer whose remarkable vindictiveness almost matches his own.