Friday, July 26, 2013

Sixteen Scandals: Missouri

If you Google something like "Central Missouri College Republicans Obama" you will get a lovely kind of picture of the right wing outrage wind machine getting into gear: [jump]
starting sometime yesterday, I guess, at The College Fix, and worming its way through the usual organs—your Townhalls and Daily Callers—until it reaches the actual commercial media, Fox and the New York Daily News.

By which point it's become clear that it didn't actually happen. Namely, when President Obama went to the University of Central Missouri at Warrensburg, MO on Wednesday to deliver a speech on the subject of the economy, these members of the local College Republicans were there to protest:
KOMU News.
Afterwards, when they took their tickets to the rec center to watch the speech they were turned away, ten of them, as evident security threats, according to the treasurer of the state-level College Republicans, one Courtney Scott. Obviously Oh-Bummer was frightened at the prospect of having them in the same room with the other 2500 students, deftly parrying his stupid arguments and swiftly turning him into an object of mass derision.

I'm pretty annoyed because when I looked through the UCMRCollegeRepublicans Twitter feed trying to find a reference to the massacre, there wasn't one. Not one. Nothing but a statement from the college:
The University of Central Missouri has thoroughly reviewed claims of individuals being inappropriately denied admission to President Barack Obama's speech on campus July 24, 2013. These reports are unfounded. No one who presented a ticket was turned away prior to all doors being locked in accordance with Secret Service procedures. We have confirmed everyone who presented a ticket prior to that time was admitted.
In fact, as the Daily News points out, being evidently the only news organization covering the story who bothered to speak to more than one source, the College Republicans simply got there late.
Kailea Bogner, the UCM College Republicans chairperson, added that it wasn’t just College Republicans who were turned away. She did say a security guard, not affiliated with the school, did make a “snarky comment” about the GOP students, implying they didn’t value the importance of Obama’s security. The protesters were shown to a live viewing station to watch the speech at the college’s student center instead.
Not Fox, though. They're kind of one-and-a-halfing down on the original story, reporting the Secret Service denial but following it with a whine from little Courtney:
"We followed all the rules," she said.
And of course their commenters are all sure the Secret Service is lying. So my guess is the "scandal" continues to grow. And McCain will serenely continue thinking that Obama is as scared of a critical audience as—well, as Mr. Disingenuous Outrage.
There's a Courtney here, and a Scott, but not in the same person, and all these expensive honeys (caught at CPAC 2012) go to Washington College in Maryland.