Thursday, July 4, 2013

Leaders--can't live with 'em...

Via really insane winger site.

Timothy Lee in the Washington Post gets to something really important:
Debates over government transparency are usually framed as a contest between the executive branch and the rest of us. Transparency is supposed to help Congress, the courts and the public hold the president accountable.
But history suggests that transparency is important for another reason: it helps the president himself keep control over his subordinates.
Whatever is going on at DHS and DOJ and their agencies is undoubtedly worse than Obama intends it to be, more evil and more inept; and whatever lies he and Father Brennan tell about it are meant to conceal not so much the activities themselves as Obama's inability to stop or mitigate them. Gods forbid he should look weak!

That's why we need to have his back and not let him get away with stuff at the same time. Leaders are like teenagers. I love my son to death, but I don't trust him more than about ten feet.

In other revolutionary news:

Gezi Park June 2007. Photo by RobokowWikimedia Commons.