Friday, July 5, 2013

Great Spirit

I've long been skeptical of Johnny Depp's acting method and its dependence on hair, but I think I'm going to like The Lone Ranger, if objections to the film from the Christianist community have any foundation:
In an interview with The Christian Post, Dr. Ted Baehr, chairman of the Christian Film and Television Coalition and Editor-in-Chief of Movieguide, attacked the film's "strong mixed pagan, revisionist, politically correct worldview."
"The government is bad – the army is killing Indians – the bad guy is a businessman, the military-industrial complex is bad," he explained, finishing the list with a notable exception – "the Christians are not always bad."
Nevertheless, "the pagan elements triumph because you're looking at it from Tanto's point of view." He used "pagan" as a generic term for non-Christian, unidentified spirituality. "It's not Buddhism, it's not Hinduism, it's a mishmash." (Christian Post, via Raw Story)
That's so typically liberal, focusing on the government killing Indians and not saying a word about the tax breaks Indians got. But Dr. Baehr is a little P.C. himself, changing our noble friend's name from the offensive Tonto (Spanish for "fool") to the mystifying Tanto ("so much" in Italian?).