I've long been skeptical of Johnny Depp's acting method and its dependence on hair, but I think I'm going to like The Lone Ranger, if objections to the film from the Christianist community have any foundation:
That's so typically liberal, focusing on the government killing Indians and not saying a word about the tax breaks Indians got. But Dr. Baehr is a little P.C. himself, changing our noble friend's name from the offensive Tonto (Spanish for "fool") to the mystifying Tanto ("so much" in Italian?).In an interview with The Christian Post, Dr. Ted Baehr, chairman of the Christian Film and Television Coalition and Editor-in-Chief of Movieguide, attacked the film's "strong mixed pagan, revisionist, politically correct worldview.""The government is bad – the army is killing Indians – the bad guy is a businessman, the military-industrial complex is bad," he explained, finishing the list with a notable exception – "the Christians are not always bad."Nevertheless, "the pagan elements triumph because you're looking at it from Tanto's point of view." He used "pagan" as a generic term for non-Christian, unidentified spirituality. "It's not Buddhism, it's not Hinduism, it's a mishmash." (Christian Post, via Raw Story)