Monday, June 9, 2014

Jesus Christ in a cardigan!

Photo by dalaimickey.
So (via Raw Story) Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio is actually a polytheist, believing in a whole rafter of gods, some evil and others good, and thinks he's entitled to call out Muslims for latching onto the wrong one:
“When Muslims pray, they are praying to a god that they refer to as Allah, who we know from the Scriptures is not the true and living God, but is a demon-god,” Fischer said in footage posted byRight Wing Watch. “Remember, not every being that occupies the unseen world, the spiritual world, is a good guy, is a good spirit.”
So I realize they probably learned about Islam from Disney's Aladdin, where everybody worships an idol (there's some of that shit in Narnia, too) and a sultan's virgin daughters go out on unchaperoned dates wearing bikini tops and below-the-navel harem (!!!) pants, but where do these Boykinists learn their own theology? (This dude has a BA in philosophy from Stanford, which makes me want to cry a little bit, I still have some illusions, you know; and some kind of theology degree from a place called Dallas Theological Seminary, which ought to be sued for malpractice if this is the quality of their work.) Fucking idolators calling themselves Protestants, I just don't know what this world is coming to.
From Race, Gender, and Empire in Disney.

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