Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cheap shots: Give me Linzertorte or give me death

Marble macarons by Unlimited Curiosity at DeviantArt.
Bloody tyranny reported by the Lonely Conservative:

White House Pastry Chef Quits Thanks To Michelle Obama

Gingerbread White House on display in the State Dining Room in Washington
White House pastry chef Bill Yosses has turned in his resignation because First Lady Michelle Obama changed his job duties. The openly gay chef was hired in 2007 by former First Lady Laura Bush to make cookies and sugar sculptures. (Wait, I thought all Republicans hate gay people? Oh, never mind.) Then Michelle came along.
Seems the First Lady asked him to cut back on the cream and eggs and sugar back in 2009, in favor of fruit purées and agave nectar and what not. He tried to comply but he was "never fully committed". Maybe he should have had a commitment ceremony, but then that's what I thought Republicans hated. Especially with cake. I certainly thought Republicans loved gay people, just the way they love Mexicans, in their proper places, Todd in the hair salon, Miguel in the garden; what they don't like is out-of-place stuff like gay people fighting for civil rights.

I also would have thought gay men as a class would be opposed to diabetes and heart disease in general, and happy to work with the new light world of macarons and tiny cupcakes. Bill Yosses may be openly gay, but he doesn't sound very fashion-forward.

There are tubists and then there are tubists:
Tubista (via Silvia Anyi)
Tubista (via Salvatore Lo Leggio).
Let them eat lead
On Fox and Friends Weekend, we saw the story of a 9-year-old New Jersey girl who has taken aim at a law that would limit the magazine capacity of firearms. Competitive shooter Shyanne Roberts and her father, Dan, went to a hearing last week, where Shyanne voiced her objections to state lawmakers. “I am not a gangbanger or domestic terrorist,” Shyanne said. “This bill, if it becomes law, will severely impact me and a million other gun owners.”

If the bill passes, Shyanne will have to give up the sport or convince her dad to move to a different state.... "I didn't want them to ruin my career," she said, explaining why she felt compelled to speak to lawmakers directly.... with a 10-round magazine, she'd have to reload her gun more often than her rivals from other states during a competition. (Fox News)
You know what, I don't know anything about Practical Shooting (that's what little Shyanne's sport is apparently called), like what's practical about it, but it took me about 35 seconds of googling to learn that the USPSA has a division devoted exactly to 10-round magazines, and it's growing:
Many who compete in Limited 10 (L10) Division use the same guns they use in Limited Division, but the division rules allow no more than 10 rounds in the magazine. However, a growing number of people compete in L10 with single stack 1911-pattern firearms in 40S&W or .45ACP. While most L10 competitors reload, it is more feasible to use factory ammunition here than in either Open or Limited.
It really wouldn't kill her to learn to live with that. Wouldn't kill anybody else, either, which sounds like a plus.
Shyanne Roberts, via
Good Russians department:
Dmitri Shostakovich holding a pig. From the extraordinary Composers Doing Normal Shit.