Rep. Steve King of Iowa worrying about whether wedding-cake buying couples might just be
pretending to be gay in the interests of mounting a discrimination suit against the bakers:
KING: The one thing that I reference when I say “self-professed” is: how do you know who to discriminate against? They about have to tell you. And, you know, are they then setting up a case? Is this about bringing a grievance or is it actually about a service that they’d like to have?
It's the remake of that dreadful Adam Sandler movie, except in this version they're only in it for the frosting. I think anybody who can get away with a scam like this really deserves to. It would be, like, art.
Raiders of the Found Ark
“I ran into him at a conservative event,” state Rep.
Bill Zedler told the Dallas Morning News. “What he had said was he was in the Mount Ararat region and they had come up with some stuff. He may have given me a DVD.”
In essence, they say they put their faith in a man who played at being godly and literally buttered his pitch in bible verse....
Archer Bonemma, the businessman lawmakers have accused of fraud, pitched them on a startup which he said would reap large profits on energy trades. Shortly after the state representatives made their bets — which totaled $2.5 million — the startup filed for bankruptcy.
The Texas lawmakers said they think Bonemma targeted them because they were religious men. (
Raw Story)
Because if you're looking for somebody to inveigle into a Ponzi scheme, you want somebody whose rational judgment can be overcome by insatiable greed, so Christians are definitely the way to go. Especially if they're Texas state legislators.
Incidentally, that "literally buttered" in biblical quotation is a pearl beyond price.
Noah's Ark, 1846, by Edward Hicks. Wikipedia. |
Speaking of insatiable greed:
He went on to recount one grisly story on the mob violence that in his view has dragged Ukraine into nightmarish chaos: the humiliation of the recently appointed governor of the western region of the Volyn region, Oleksandr Bashkalenko. On the night of Feb. 20, he was handcuffed by protesters, doused with water, “locked up in a cellar and tortured.”
“He was actually only recently appointed to this position, in December, I believe,” Mr. Putin explained. “Even if we accept that they are all corrupt there,
he barely had time to steal anything.” (
New York Times)
That Vladimir Vladimirovich, always reminding us to show a little compassion.
How's that again?
No comment, really. Except for the way Senator Linsey-Woolsey uses "you": who's he talking to? If he knows who killed Ambassador Stevens and the others, shouldn't he be talking to the authorities? Oh wait, I guess he's just saying Obama did it. Without saying it, which would be, like, slander as well as obviously untrue. That's how Republican dog whistles work: they actually don't make a sound, but everybody can hear them.
And Mitch McConnell at CPAC:
“The same old socialist notions that never pan out will finally be put to rest,” [McConnell] said. “My friends, never before has it been so hard for the rich to become poor or for the poor to become rich. That’s what is un-American! I can’t stand it, and you can’t stand it, and if we win the majority in November, I will work every day to change it.” (Politico)
Inorite! Why won't that socialist Obama let rich people impoverish themselves if they want to?
Uncredited image via Reason Magazine (no link, they don't deserve it). |
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