Monday, September 23, 2013

No Obamacare for you, peasants!

From Politico:
Vitter’s plans were detailed in an email — obtained by POLITICO — sent from Vitter’s staff to fellow GOP staffers and closely mimics a similar plan in the House. If the Senate strips out a provision that defunds Obamacare in the spending bill and sends it back to the House, Republicans in the lower chamber may send back a spending bill that kills the subsidies for Capitol Hill staffers and lawmakers, raising the shutdown stakes even further.
Talk about your house n****ers! Millions of Americans are about to get affordable health insurance for the first time in their lives, and David Vitter (not just a spank-me–loving pervert but a millionaire who could easily afford his own premiums) doesn't want his own staff to have it. And the staff not only goes along with this mistreatment but reaches out to other colleagues to invite them to swallow it too.
German Peasants' Revolt, via Xtimeline.
You know how expensive DC life is, and how little some of these people get paid? They used to have great health benefits, but Senator Grassley decided they shouldn't, so even as President Obama was tricking them into voting for health insurance for 30 million Americans, Grassley was trying to snooker his own staff out of it. Democrats rescued them from this pickle, but Vitter is determined to get them back to wage slavery, one car accident or stroke away from destitution.

I've been sending them Tweets trying to wake them up
but I am getting absolutely no response. In fact, Senator Vitter's Twitter account has never been used. What do you suppose is up with that?

He just started using the account! Two Tweets so far. He's still using the default egg gravatar, but still—I think I'm starting to work on him.