Monday, November 26, 2018

For the Record: D'Souza as academic historian, Shapiro as historical hallucinogen

I know everybody's seen this picture, but I can't get over it: the evil, violent criminals invading our country, as Trump sees them, fleeing from tear gas. Photo by Kim Kyung-hoon/Reuters, via NBC.

One of the more fun D'Souza owns, short and sweet:

And below the fold, an exhausting encounter with a troll and with reference to this:

So I objected to this formulation and a Shapiro troll decided to take the case:

Does Johnson reply, "Oh my gosh, you're right, we did separate some families"? Reader, he does not:
Well, Chris, without a doubt the images and the reality from 2014 just like 2018 are not pretty. And so, we expanded family detention. We had then 34,000 beds for family detention, only 95 of 34,000 equipped to deal with families....But, again, you can deal with this on the border. You can try different things. We did not want to go so far as to separate families.

My sweet lord. "All right, Mr. Secretary, there's this discrepancy between what you said and a hallucination I had when reading this other thing you said. You must resolve this!"