Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hugh and Cry

Photograph by Alex Brandon/AP and whatever bright spark at WaPo picked it out doesn't wish Jared well, because it looks like he's drowning and can't figure out which direction the air is in.
Shorter Hugh Hewitt, "Jared Kushner doesn't deserve this withering barrage" (age cannot wither him, nor custom stale his infinite variety, but barrages might):
After all, even liberal New York mayor Bill de Blasio thanked him for the 200,000 N95s the feds provided New York with last week. Why is everybody else so darn mean? Probably because Democrats are afraid we'll have a V-shaped economic recovery when the medication and the vaccine come out and they'll lose in November. Shame on them for politicizing this national emergency!
Actually, you're the one who brought the elections into it, Huey.

Also, de Blasio had asked for 3.3 million N95 masks and 15,000 ventilators. Some 400 immediately needed ventilators seem to have arrived too, from those provided by the feds to the state, along with 140 from Oregon governor Kate Brown and apparently more out of the 1000 that Jack Ma and associates donated to the state. The New England Patriots had done better than Kushner's task force, providing 300,000 masks. After de Blasio issued his thanks to the president and his Pooh-Bah, the government released another 600,000 masks, proving that Trump's remarks to governors on 24 March applied to mayors as well:
President Donald Trump says he’s willing to help blue-state governors who are struggling to contain coronavirus outbreaks — but only if they’re willing to stop criticizing him in exchange.
“It’s a two-way street,” Trump told Fox News on Tuesday. “They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, ‘Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.’”
As usual, Trump isn't really hiding anything. He makes deals with his hostages, and expects you to live up to your end. Then he says, "See, President Zelenksyy said he didn't feel any pressure at all," or
“I’ll tell you who’s been nice, Mayor de Blasio,” Trump said in a tone of surprise. “He understands what we’ve given him.”
But there aren't any medications out there that are going to turn around the economy in a U, V, or W in the next six months, and there definitely won't be a vaccine before 2021. I hope we're well on the road to recovery in the fall, but I don't think the economy is going to be the main issue this year.