Monday, August 27, 2018

Annals of Derp: It's also Cognitive Dissonance

Image via Ghoul Friday.

A sighting of the old zombie study proving on the basis of a completely factitious approach to some very dubious data that 5.7 million "illegal aliens"--more than half the total undocumented population--came out to vote in 2008:

Then somebody called Jay, apparently a Rams fan, came out to clarify that the wrong thing the "Just Facts" consortium had said was in fact the thing they had said, though he didn't proffer any evidence that it wasn't wrong.

So Jay started bringing out the heavy ammunition: specious anecdotes!

On the other hand, after Dr. Google had succeeded in digging up Jay's sources, they turned out to have a somewhat peculiar property associated with the date they'd been published on.

But the epistemic closure is strong with this one. Amazingly, he wasn't daunted at all:

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