Tuesday, April 10, 2018

For the Record: Trump's Very Bad Day

And in case you didn't get a chance to notice,
I didn't realize that was still pending in any way. "Your so-called lawyer got his office, apartment, and the hotel room he was staying in while his apartment was getting renoavated all raided by FBI agents looking for evidence of crimes of illegal campaign finance contributions, wire fraud, bank fraud, and by the way you need to write a check for $25 million to pay off all those people you defrauded back in 2010. Have another cheeseburger!"

Then there was this explosion quoted at TPM indicating that he's heard how the soybean and hog farmers feel about his trade war plans:

When we do a deal with China – which probably we will, if we don’t they’ll have to pay pretty high taxes to do business with our country. That’s a possibility. But if we do a deal with China, if during the course of a negotiation they want to hit the farmers, because they think that hits me, I wouldn’t say that’s nice, but I tell you, our farmers are great patriots. These are great patriots. They understand that they’re doing this for the country. And we’ll make it up to them. In the end they’re going to be much stronger than they are right now.
That's just extraordinary: the nation's farmers are supposed to sacrifice themselves on the altar of Trumpism, it's unpatriotic if they don't. He bills himself as the superbusinessman who will make everybody rich, but if it doesn't work out for his voters in the depopulated Midwest they still owe him their support. It's not really them China would be attacking, even though they're the ones losing money; it's the sacred person of the emperor, so they're obliged to defend him.

That rhymes with his attack on the raids on Michael Cohen: