I got nothing but this junk going on. There's a slightly new Dinesh angle at the bottom.
If it's secret, what's your source for the numbers?— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 24, 2018
Also somebody who was supposed to destroy the earth by fire, like God promised, but that guy was aborted too. You can't count on people any more.— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 24, 2018
The funny thing about this piece of shit "complaint" is that what the Clinton campaign actually did was legally take advantage of loopholes created by the story's hack GOP lawyer Dan Backer. https://t.co/v4ajWcMHf2— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
That's what Stormy said happened to him after she spanked him. #JustSaying— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
Personally I feel the same way about our leaders, like Senator Schumer. We're stuck with Trump too, for the duration. I can't understand what good it does to let all our bridges fall down just because some guy is an intolerable idiot.— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
(As I was typing that Haddad came on NPR, discussing the Macron visit.)
Vicente Fox rips Trump: You have killed the American dream https://t.co/vUCd2zT3cP pic.twitter.com/Tm2W6EwmZE— The Hill (@thehill) April 25, 2018
Yeah, whatever. What’s interesting here is that Vicente Fox makes no reference to the Mexican dream https://t.co/DLvQaERZSU— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) April 25, 2018
Did a great number on el sueño mexicano in 2002, when he was president. Had to do with reducing poverty and emigration to US, in which he succeeded. https://t.co/NdWCueB6It Unlike you, he doesn't make a career of repeating himself.— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
Went someplace somewhat different with this D'Souza thread:Not at all, we'll be sitting back enjoying the hilarious Trumpian faux pas, the horrified expressions on poor May's face, and the massive, massive protests from the young, committed, not-braindead part of the population.— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
Democrats became associated with an idea of civil rights in the later 19th century, when they defended the rights of Catholic and Jewish immigrants in urban settings, climaxing in the great 1928 convention when Al Smith's faction defeated the Southern Klan interest.— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
The party began to respond, notably in 1933 when Eleanor Roosevelt met with a delegation from NAACP and black colleges at the White House and they began strategized all night and how to improve the lives of American blacks. https://t.co/KKDtJpbYQ9— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
Lyndon Johnson, a Southerner elected to the Senate in 1948, did not publicly champion civil rights legislation until 1957, but after that he was consistent, even when he thought it would hurt him and the party politically. https://t.co/qdnAyrXQnt— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018
But by the time the Republican party had become a suitable place for young Dinesh D'Souza, famous for his racism even when he was a college student, the switch was complete. https://t.co/qu8in9Qmt9— Per Aspera Ad YAStra (@Yastreblyansky) April 25, 2018