Monday, February 25, 2013

To the pure, all things are Purim

Thers, reporting Dov Hikind's amazing Purim prank, makes the minor error of supposing that there are few African American Purim parties. This would not be entirely true. There are up to 150,000 black Jews in the U.S., even before you count Amar'e Stoudemire, and that's a lot of false noses. But there's not much photographic evidence, I'm afraid.
Purim in San Francisco, 2008.
Y-Love, world's first gay Orthodox Jewish African American rap artist. Photo by Schneur Menaker via Washington Blade. Not clear whether he should be regarded as in costume or not.
Not Purim, but festive. Michael W. Twitty, culinary historian and Judaics instructor. Via Jewish Museum of Maryland.
Best Purim rap ever.
Last year in Jerusalem. Very limited range of Purim costumes permitted, but next year in Williamsburg, right?
This year in Tel Aviv, from Haaretz/Moti Milrod. Not cool.