Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Next up, swimming pool vouchers (for people with adequate back yards only)

Glory be! The Times thinks "Republican Senators Face Risks" over insisting that this round of tax cut extensions should be only for the wealthy:
Senate Republicans will press this week to extend tax cuts for affluent families scheduled to expire Jan. 1, but the same Republican tax plan would allow a series of tax cuts for the working poor and the middle class to end next year.
Republicans say the tax breaks for lower-income families — passed with little notice in the extensive 2009 economic stimulus law — were always supposed to be temporary. But President Obama had made them a priority in 2009 and demanded their extension in 2010 as a price for extending the Bush-era tax cuts for two years...
Wow, I sure hope they stick with this. It will be so clarifying for people who aren't quite sure what the party stands for.
Sheriff of Nottingham costume from Haslemere Wardrobe, UK.