Tuesday, March 13, 2012

They could also give up St. Barth's...

This is priceless, from Florida Republican Representative Cliff Stearns:
 we don’t need more national parks in this country, we need to actually sell off some of our national parks, and try and do what a normal family would do is — they wouldn’t ask Uncle Joe for a loan, they would sell their Cadillac, or they would take their kids out of private schools and put them into public schools to save to money instead of asking for their credit card to increase their debt ceiling. 
I'll leave it to others to evaluate the idea of selling off the national parks—what I want to note is Stearns's idea of what constitutes a normal family in the US: people who don't need a "safety net" because in a pinch they could do without the expensive car and the private schools, and in a real crisis there's always Uncle Joe.

These Republicans-in-the-hierarchy really can't understand that most people don't have those things, they can't imagine how it is that people get to be poor. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!
Brioche tasting, from Le Figaro.
They could also give up St. Barth's, and take their vacation in a nice... parking lot, where Yellowstone used to be.