Monday, March 5, 2012

He was farther out than you thought...

Updated 3/12/2012

As the Wall Street Journal reported it,
"what we need to talk about to defeat Barack Obama is getting good jobs and scaling back the size of government and that’s what I do,” Mr. Romney said in a campaign stop [in Canton] Monday morning.... “Other people in this race have debated about the economy, they’ve read about the economy, they’ve talked about it in subcommittee meetings, but I’ve actually been in it,” he said.
"Come on in," he shouted back to his friends on the shore, "the economy's fine!"

But seriously, what's this about? "Getting good jobs and scaling back the size of government and that's what I do"—Oh, yeah? And when does he do it, exactly? In the small hours, in his special black mask and cape and Californio hat? Has old Mitt been cutting back the size of your government? When you weren't looking? He certainly wasn't doing it in Massachusetts. He has always gotten pretty good good jobs, though, all three of them, and probably for his kids as well.
"Other people may have debated about zoology, they've read about zoology, they've talked about it in faculty meetings, but I've actually been in it!"
Yup—ponied up $10 million to help young Taggart break into the high-rolling investment world in 2008, with his campaign finance director as partner, and the object of the business to buy into equity funds managed by his contributors. Aren't these people precious!