Thursday, April 7, 2022

For the Record: Time for Another Blogger Ethics Panel

Press critic and hero of rectificationism Eric Boehlert of Media Matters and more recently his own bloggy Press Run, who died incomprehensibly on Monday in a bike collision with a train on the Montclair-Boonton line near his home in Montclair, New Jersey, at the age of 56. I'm feeling so bad about this. Photo from Salon.


Imagine seriously talking about "Why physics matter". What is a physic? (In old-fashioned medical practice, it's a medicine—"You must take some physic for that, my lord.") There's a suitable use for a singular "ethic" in modern English, as there is for "aesthetic", but "ethic" is isn't its plural; "an ethic" is ethics focused on a particularly narrow subject matter with a singular set of principles, where ethics is the broad discussion of all the different princples you might adopt.