
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Via BumBumGerms.
Now that recreational marijuana use is legal in Colorado, it's time to do things like contemplating Kathryn Jean Lopez conducting an interview, here with the Instapundit Glenn Reynolds on the subject of his newly issued

The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself

What happened, apparently, is Reynolds emailed Lopez the answers he wanted to give and then Lopez made up a list of questions to match. But if you pretend she just did it the conventional way, reading the book and then asking him a partly spontaneous series of questions about it, and just look at the questions in their actual sequence, it has a very startling effect which might be amplified, I imagine, for people taking advantage of the new Rockies lifestyle.
KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ: So what’s the cocktail-party answer to what “the new school” is? 
LOPEZ: How is education like the newspaper business? 
LOPEZ: Why is it “dumb but popular” to say, “Let’s give every kid an iPad”? What’s dumb about it, and why is it popular?

LOPEZ: How can thinking about blacksmiths help us with education reform in 2014? 
LOPEZ: Who are the audiences for this book and how do you hope they’ll read it and make use of it?

LOPEZ: What was so wrong about Horace Mann? 
LOPEZ: At what point do we stop thinking of college “as a path to prosperity”?
Wait wait, I know that one! As soon as it stops being a path to prosperity. We'll know it's happened when the rightwingers stop trying to get us not to send our kids there.

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