
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ya big bully!

Darrin Klimek/Digital Vision/Getty Images

The president was a little rough on sensitive Governor Jindal:
"Even if you don't support the overall plan, let's at least go ahead and make sure that the folks who don't have health insurance right now and can get it through an expanded Medicaid, let's make sure we do that," Obama said.

That opened the door for Jindal to accuse Obama of trying to "bully" the state. "We will not allow President Obama to bully Louisiana into accepting an expansion of Obamacare," Jindal said in a statement, saying the expansion would cost the state too much. (Fox News)

Later, Secretary Kerry was caught knocking over an entire Middle Eastern country for its lunch:
Consistent with the Obama Administration’s first term bullying of Israel, Secretary of State John Kerry has been issuing veiled threats in the past few days, including this invitation to Palestinian violence. This is not moral equivalence, this is adopting the Arafat-style of “negotiation,” namely, do as I say or I will launch terror again. (National Review)
Perhaps  the Obama administration is just applying the standards set forth in Michigan's new anti-bullying law, designed by Republicans to make sure it's OK for schoolchildren to bully classmates for being gay if they believe it's bad to be gay, because then it's not bullying, just
a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil’s parents or guardian.
Like, the president might have a sincerely held moral conviction that it would be a good thing for the federal government to get health insurance to more than 200,000 Louisiana citizens who are too poor to get it for themselves. Also if you think Kerry was threatening to start a third Intifada, you have a somewhat inflated opinion of his powers.

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