
Friday, June 21, 2013

Cheap shots and merry spanksters

Via Jezebel via Raw Story. At least it's not erotic or something, as you can tell by that Victoria's Other Secret locket picture:
We offer a LOVING approach to all who wish to learn and grow in a traditional Male, head of household, female submissive, Christian Domestic Discipline relationship.... 
This is not a typical "spank" site. We are NOT a dating service, a list for personal ads, bratting, erotic stories, or alternate lifestyles. We do not discuss Sadomasochism, the disciplining of children, same gender relationships, or Fem domination/male submission.
From the Christian Domestic Discipline website at Yahoo Groups.

Thank goodness for that! But then again, check out deep inside the Beginning Domestic Discipline manual:
Love/Intimacy - The HoH already loves their partner. That goes without saying (hopefully). But when the HoH regularly goes through very intimate experiences with their partner (like spanking for instance, even for discipline reasons), it strengthens and enhances their love connection on a much deeper level. Embracing the one you love after an intimate spanking experience is a powerful moment for both partners. It’s a moment when both partners are reminded how much they love one another. That love increases and strengthens with each intimate experience.
Starts to sound pretty steamy, huh? Traditional Christian marriage! You can't beat it—or rather, you can, if you're man enough.

Corrections Department
Is that the Buffalo Bills?

Oakland Zoo's Lisa in 2001, at 20 months. Photo by Michael Macor, San Francisco Chronicle.

Hows and whys of employment discrimination
Photo by Elliott Erwitt/Peter Fetterman Gallery.
“I’d hire a gay guy if I thought he was a good worker,” [Idaho Republican Party resolutions committee chairman Cornel] Rasor explained at the party’s summer meeting, according to The Spokesman-Review. “But if he comes into work in a tutu … he’s not producing what I want in my office.” Raw Story)
And that's why you have to be allowed to discriminate against gay people—otherwise you'd have to fire all the straight guys in tutus too.

Whereas dictatorship freed the slaves?
Photo via BTX3.
“I’m not a firm believer in democracy,” [Senator Rand Paul] explained. “It gave us Jim Crow." (TPM)
So they say. But I heard a bunch of people never got a chance to vote on it. And they all had something in common, too.

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