
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Justice delayed is justice derided

Via Hindustan Times.
New York Post:

A New York judge yesterday blasted federal “sequestration” cuts, calling it “stunning” that they could force him to delay the start of a terrorism trial for Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law. 
Manhattan federal Judge Lewis Kaplan appeared flabbergasted when a defense lawyer for Sulaiman Abu Ghaith said mandatory work furloughs would make it “very difficult to be ready” for trial by September. 
Kaplan began calling the situation “ironic” before noting that was “not exactly the right word.”
Republicans say you can't put a terrorist on civilian trial in New York City, it's too dangerous. Administration says you can too, and does it, repeatedly, with success, but that doesn't stop the Republicans. Finally, five years later, a terrorist trial is in trouble. Why? Republican budget terrorism! Hey, Judge, you may be able to use "ironic" after all!

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