
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Don't that take the cake!

Pam Ferris as Miss Trunchbull in Danny DeVito's 1996 Matilda.

So police chief Mike Berkemeier of Laurelville, Ohio (a village of some 527 people in Hocking County) found a cake on his kitchen counter when he woke up on Easter morning. So he ate it. He did not ask his girlfriend where the cake came from, or his daughter, or anybody else including the most relevant person, the daughter's friend's boyfriend who seems to have served as the family's personal Easter bunny. [jump]
He did not ascertain whose cake it was, and he did not offer to share it. He just sat there and ate it until it was gone!

Then he began to feel very strange and uncomfortable. He thought he might die. He drove to the nearby hospital and checked himself into emergency. What had happened, as the daughter immediately realized once they got her on the phone, was that the cake had been baked not just with ordinary butter, but with a generous quantity of cannabis oil: it was, so to speak, a weed cake. Chief Mike had ingested an overdose of a controlled substance.

And that's as far as it's gone, as far as I know. The unlucky boyfriend is likely to be charged with corrupting a person with drugs and possibly with assault. Not, I trust, with assaulting a police officer as this was surely not the young man's intention. As to whether Chief Mike recognizes his own share of culpability in that act of inexplicable greed—I mean, he must have known the cake was somebody else's party, even if he didn't know exactly what sort of party it was—I can only hope.

But what kind of man would find an unfamiliar cake—a cake to which he had never been introduced—in his kitchen and proceed to eat the entire thing right there on the spot, with no regard for others or even for his own well-being? Exactly! Chief Mike is a doper himself! He must already have toked up in the bathroom before he came downstairs that morning.

Now, with that understanding, watch the video and tell me I'm wrong about this guy:
Via Raw Story.

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