Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's always projection, but sometimes it's nuts

One example, still pretty new, succinctly summed up by Charles Blow:
[Romney] criticized Obama for telling then-President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with sensitive issues between the two countries after he won re-election. Romney said this was particularly troubling given that Russia “is without question our No. 1 geopolitical foe.” 

However, according to a report on Friday in The New York Times, Romney’s son Matt recently traveled to Russia and delivered a message to President Vladimir Putin: 

“Mr. Romney told a Russian known to be able to deliver messages to Mr. Putin that despite the campaign rhetoric, his father wants good relations if he becomes president, according to a person informed about the conversation.”
Image by Dan Lacey, the Painter of Pancakes. From Faithmouse.
 Then there's the idiotic claim that
"Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy and sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China," the ad's narrator says. "Mitt Romney will fight for every American job"
—so patently false that even CBS News doesn't bother trying to he-said-she-said it. Not as widely known is the fact that somebody really did make some money off the auto bailout by shipping jobs to China, including Mr. and Mrs. Romney, as detailed by Greg Palast in this week's Nation.

This has to do with Delphi Automotive, a former GM subsidiary that became independent and went bankrupt in 2005, all the while continuing to be indispensable as a parts supplier both to GM and Chrysler. Before they'd cooperate with Obama's task force on saving the auto industry, the hedge funds that were now in charge of Delphi demanded an up-front payment of $350 million, just to start negotiating. They ended up moving production to China, cutting more than 25,000 US union jobs, as the price of keeping GM and Chrysler alive. And one of those hedge funds was Paul Singer's Elliott Management, where Ann Romney's "blind trust" put at least a million dollars (in return, Singer has contributed $3.4 million to Republicans this year). Her ROI for the bailout is at least $15.5 million.
Holy Trinity Church, Hinton-in-the-Hedges, Nhants. Wikipedia.
Finally, voter fraud, and the threat of voter fraud by freed felons, undocumented immigrants, Donald Duck and the Bavarian Illuminati, I mean Democrats, which has kept everybody's Republican state legislatures so busy this year, and then it turns out that everybody that's actually involved with committing voter fraud from the Breitbart factory to Nathan Sproul's Strategic Allied Consulting (paid $3 million this season, an awful lot for taking out the trash when you don't even do it right) seems to be a Republican. In Ohio the attempt to steal the election is pretty much undisguised.

All in all, then, it's a good thing Romney is calling Obama a crony capitalist; I mean, you know exactly how to interpret it. What would be scary would be if he started calling a Obama a socialist—how would you want to vote then?