Republican reaction to the January 6 committee hearings continue to develop along not unpredictable lines, like this scumbag's bragging about how he hasn't read any of the indictments:
It didn't. Their move was planned well before. The Trump speech was intended to incite the more-or-less innocent mob of deplorables to follow the Proud Boyz as the latter broke into the building, providing the insurrection with cannon fodder, and it worked extremely well.
— Woke Mob For Taxing Billionaires (@Yastreblyansky) June 11, 2022
Mulvaney has no suspicion, I guess, that Trump forces could plan anything without his help, like the way he set up Trump's extortion call to President Zelenskyy with the long months of denying Ukraine the congressionally mandated funding for the Javelins. He expected them to be paralyzed without him.
Then there's the. straight-out McCarthyism from our pal Senator Rubio:
Marco has right here in his hand a list of 205 Communists embedded in the Miami-Dade Democratic Party.
— Woke Mob For Taxing Billionaires (@Yastreblyansky) June 11, 2022
Marco has no sense of decency, sir.
But the biggest thing is continuing to be the shits 'n/' giggles from our Very Serious Conservatives who just can't understand why anybody would take this stuff seriously:
— Woke Mob For Taxing Billionaires (@Yastreblyansky) June 12, 2022
It introduced the topic of coups as a political solution to the national discourse, even while persuading a good third of the population that election authorities in the US can't be trusted to tell the truth about who won an election. All those people, many very heavily armed,...
Punishing the Munich perpetrators didn't prevent the Nazi Machtübergreifung from happening ten years later. What was needed, and didn't happen, was a willingness on the part of the conservative establishment in Germany to take the danger seriously.
— Woke Mob For Taxing Billionaires (@Yastreblyansky) June 12, 2022
I guess the other thing about the German conservative establishment in the 1920s was that they were all born aristocrats with a "von" in their names who honestly didn't believe in democracy or the dismantling of the Bismarck Ordnung.
— Woke Mob For Taxing Billionaires (@Yastreblyansky) June 12, 2022
They don't value democracy at all, is what I'm telling you, and they won't try do defend it. That's who Harsanyi is representing with his bemusement over those who think the coup attempt was a scary thing.
— Woke Mob For Taxing Billionaires (@Yastreblyansky) June 12, 2022
Don't know if I'll ever communicate how serious I am with the traditional reference to the Gettysburg Address. and the "new birth of freedom" in which government was to be understood as "of, by, and for," in which "the people" were envisaged as not only the governed but the governing as well as the beneficiaries of government, all of us, together. That phrase is to the Second Founding of the United States what unalienahle rights were to the first. When you libertarians insist that the US at its founding wasn't intended to be a "democracy", you're right. You're right! It was during the Civil War, not before, that the US seriously decided to be a democracy, and the 13th. 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments laid out how that was going to happen. It was then, through the genius of Lincoln. that we began to understand what the project entailed.
It was never going to be easy! It was never going to ensure that only smart and wholly unbiased guys would introduce proposals and wicked folks with personal interests would disgrace themselves by defending those personal interests. Everything was always going to be hard.
OK, so it's not the patient exchange between gentlemen that Madison and Hamilton prefigured. Sorry!