Thursday, November 6, 2014

Electoral cheap shots

New York painted door, Léa Descamps.
The DCCC Only Rings Twice

Just heard from Tengrain that Steve Israel has resigned from his chair, to spend more time with his Broder Caucus I guess (their motto: We can have a path to citizenship, but only if we secure the Broder). Meanwhile the DCCC is sending its first post-election emails:

We meant to get Obama a few dozen long-stemmed congressmen, but we were so busy. Luckily we found this e-card before it was too late...

Sophie Gengembre Anderson, Shepherd Piper, 1888.
Under the Greenwald Tree

Something I don't hear anybody discussing, perhaps because there's no reason to discuss it, is the effect of our privacy fears, the concept of the national security state, and the Snowden revelations on the midterm elections. It doesn't seem, in fact, to have been an issue; the National Election Pool consortium didn't ask about it in the exit polls, and the one candidate known for being strongly concerned about it, Colorado senator Mark Udall, certainly didn't get any juice out of it.

Twitter, however, did a bit of a survey, analyzing the subject matter of issues-related Tweets on the East Coast on Tuesday around lunchtime, with some interesting results (h/t ABC News, of all things):
Which is not at all what I would have suspected. I was looking for evidence (since I'm obsessed with turnout at the moment) that the people concerned about privacy would be people who decided not to vote, that particular anarchist strain. But it looks as if it was that most Republican of groups, the middle-aged (generally white) men, Gen-Xers. Not political activists, if you know what I mean, but worried mostly about their porn habits (into which government surely has no right to pry) and Bitcoin accounts (which I'm really not so sure about).

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