Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Drunk Uncle of Our Country

Siri, how come everybody has forgotten George Washington? Eliana Johnson and Daniel Lippman in Politico:
During a guided tour of Mount Vernon last April with French president Emmanuel Macron, Trump learned that Washington was one of the major real-estate speculators of his era. So, he couldn’t understand why America’s first president didn’t name his historic Virginia compound or any of the other property he acquired after himself.
“If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it,” Trump said, according to three sources briefed on the exchange. “You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you.”
Front parlor, Mount Vernon, as decorated by President Washington in 1787, and in his view "the best place in my House", where the household spent evenings reading, discussing political news, and playing games; photo by Gavin Ashworth.
Trump triplex, Manhattan, designed by Angelo Donghia in Louis XIV style, "the epitome of elegance and perfection" according to the iDesignArch website; photo by Sam Horine. Inconceivable that anybody has ever sat on one of those chairs.
Also, still not The Onion:
Trump asked whether Washington was "really rich," according to a second person familiar with the visit.... If Trump was impressed with Washington’s real estate instincts, he was less taken by Mount Vernon itself, which the first president personally expanded from a modest one-and-a-half story home into an 11,000 square foot mansion. The rooms, Trump said, were too small, the staircases too narrow, and he even spotted some unevenness in the floorboards, according to four sources briefed on his comments. He could have built the place better, he said, and for less money.
Vixen was also thunderstruck.

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