Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cheap shots: Bye-bye Curly!


Senator Dr. Rand Paul: Secret Muslim, or just seeing which way the wind blows? The Goat Rodeo is gonna miss you! Photo by Gary Cameron/Reuters via Slate.
In your Groundhog Day surprise, Senator Dr. Rand Paul finally saw his shadow, appropriately enough, and scurried back to the family business of soaking the rubes for souvenirs and holy relics. Sadly, this does not mean the presidential campaign will end now or six weeks from now. But it's not impossible.


Fact check  (Lynn Vavreck/The Upshot, NYT)
Donald Trump recently appeared on the Fox News Channel show “Fox and Friends” to declare, “Everybody hates Ted.”
He meant Senator Ted Cruz, of course, who is the latest candidate to challenge Mr. Trump’s lead in the polls. But does everybody hate Mr. Cruz? The answer is a clear no. In fact, some people like Mr. Cruz a lot.
I hate to defend Donald, but I think he meant not "everybody" as in the entire human population but everybody who has ever met Cruz. The evidence Vavreck offers does not disconfirm this. Two Gepettos, Lynn.

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