Friday, January 24, 2014

Cheap shots: Cries and whiskers

"Like a Surgeon"
And imagine if Dana Loesch's name was Donatien-Alphonse-François de Sade. That would explain why she thinks a penis is indistinguishable from a vaginal probe wand.

And much much more below the fold!

Reported in The Verge:
In today's Senate drone hearing, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) got personal, describing a rally held outside her home earlier this year. "I went to the window to peek out, and there was a drone right there looking in. Obviously the drone's pilot was surprised, because the drone wheeled around and crashed," she told the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. "What kind of camera was on the drone? What kind of microphone? Could an enterprising person have attached a firearm to it?"
Funny, I had an experience quite a lot like that in 1973, before drones were even invented. We used to call it "getting really high."
"Papa don't bleach"
Andrew Johnson at the NRO Corner calls out racism in the ranks of the civil rights movement:
A prominent NAACP official recognized Martin Luther King Day by labeling black senator Tim Scott a puppet for the Republican party. “A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy,” said Reverend William Barber II, the president of North Carolina’s NAACP chapter.
Excellent example of judging someone by Dr. King's criteria!!!
Johnson: color of his skin ("black senator")
Barber: content of his character ("ventroloquist's dummy")

March for Lifetweeting
Which generation did you say that was? Megaphone AND an albino raccoon coat?

"La Isla Barbuda"
(Nothing in this post should be construed as excusing Madonna for anything she has recently done wrong on the Internetz. This page is inclined to view her apology as acceptable but it's not ours to accept. I am willing to move on though.)